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- August, 2018: Jonathan's Fully Favorable Decision out of Lewiston, Maine
- July, 2018: Dennis's Fully Favorable Decision out of Boston, MA
- July, 2018: Wayne’s Fully Favorable Decision out of Manchester, NH
- June, 2018: Thomas’s Fully Favorable Decision out of Saco, ME and the Portland, ME OHO
- June, 2018: Andrew's Fully Favorable Decision out of Portland, ME and the Portland, ME OHO
- May 2018: Douglas's Fully Favorable Decision out of South Shore, MA and the Boston, MA OHO
- May, 2018: Belinda’s Fully Favorable Decision out of Keene, NH and the Manchester, NH OHO
- April, 2018: Melissa's Fully Favorable Decision out of Lowell, MA and the Lawrence, MA OHO
- April, 2018: Simon’s Fully Favorable Decision out of the Manchester, NH OHO
- Kimberly’s Fully Favorable Decision out of the Littleton, NH Social Security Office
- Scott's Boston, MA Social Security disability Fully Favorable Decision
- February, 2018: Jerry's Portland, Maine OHO Fully Favorable On the Record Decision
- February, 2018: Jonathan's Fully Favorable Decision out of the Portland, Maine Office of Hearing Operations following Hearing
- January, 2018: Katherine's Fully Favorable Decision out of the Manchester, NH ODAR
- January, 2018 Karina’s Haverhill, MA and Lawrence, MA Social Security Disability Appeal
- December, 2017 Jason’s Maine Social Security Disability claim out of Westbrook, Maine
- November, 2017 Jennifer’s Social Security Disability claim out of Manchester, NH and the Manchester, NH Hearing Office
- November, 2017 Laura’s Social Security Disability claim out of Roslindale, MA and Boston, MA hearing office
- November, 2017 Kathryn’s Social Security Disability Claim out of Malden, MA and Boston, MA
- November, 2017 Steven’s Portland, Maine Social Security Disability Claim
- October, 2017 Katherine’s Fully Favorable Social Security Decision out of Scituate, MA and the Boston, MA Hearing Office
- October, 2017 Anita’s Fully Favorable Social Security Decision out of Augusta, Maine and the Lawrence, MA OHO
- October, 2017 Vivian’s Fully Favorable Social Security Decision out of Dorchester, MA and Boston, MA OHO
- September, 2017: Sheila’s Fully Favorable Social Security Decision out of Keene, NH and Manchester, NH ODAR
- September, 2017: Roland's Fully Favorable Social Security Decision out of Keene, NH and Manchester, NH ODAR
- September, 2017: Kathy’s Fully Favorable Maine Social Security Disability Decision
- August, 2017: Claire’s Manchester, NH Social Security disability Favorable Decision
- August, 2017: Josselyn’s Maine Social Security Disability Favorable Decision Involving Chronic Fatigue and Lyme Disease
- August, 2017: Stanley’s Favorable Social Security Claim out of Waterville, Maine and Augusta, Maine
- August, 2017: Richard’s NH Social Security Fully Favorable Decision out of Manchester, NH ODAR
- August, 2017: Sharon’s Maine Social Security Fully Favorable Decision out of Lawrence, MA ODAR
- July, 2017: Kenneth’s Favorable Social Security Decision prior to Hearing out of Cambridge, MA and the Boston, MA ODAR (now OHO)
- July, 2017: Leonard’s Favorable Decision following Hearing out of Brockton, MA and the Boston, MA ODAR (now OHO)
- July, 2017: Shawn’s Favorable Decision following Hearing out of Keene, NH and the Manchester, NH ODAR
- July, 2017: Emily’s Favorable Decision following Hearing out of Portsmouth, NH and the Manchester, NH ODAR
- June, 2017: Norma’s Fully Favorable Social Security decision out of the Boston, MA ODAR
- June, 2017: Leandra’s Favorable Decision out of the Concord, NH and Manchester, NH ODAR
- May, 2017: Katherine’s Fully Favorable Decision out of East Falmouth, MA and the Boston, Massachusetts ODAR
- May, 2017: Getting Roger an Earlier Onset Favorable Social Security Decision out of Hyannis, MA and Boston, MA ODAR
- April, 2017: Krystal’s Social Security Claim out of Augusta, Maine and Portland, Maine ODAR
- April, 2017: Timothy’s Woburn, MA and Boston, MA ODAR Social Security Disability Claim
- April, 2017: Hillary’s Social Security Claim out of East Falmouth, MA SSA DO and Boston, MA ODAR
- March, 2017: Thomas’s Social Security Disability Claim out of Rockland, Maine DO and Portland, Maine ODAR
- March, 2017: Jason’s Case out of Holyoke, MA: the Difference a MA Social Security Lawyer can Make in One’s Claim
- March, 2017: Reginald’s Case: How Having a Maine Social Security Lawyer Up Front Can Make All of the Difference
- February, 2017: Sandra’s Social Security Disability Claim out of Portsmouth, NH and Manchester, NH ODAR
- February, 2017: Denise’s Social Security Disability Claim out of Boston, MA ODAR
- January, 2017: Jolene’s Social Security Disability Claim out of Portland, Maine ODAR
- January, 2017: Douglas’s Massachusetts Social Security disability claim out of Springfield, MA
- December, 2016: Daniel’s Social Security Claim out of Portland, ME: the Importance of a Lawyer from the Beginning
- December, 2016: Boston, MA ODAR Office: Annette’s Social Security Favorable On the Record Decision
- November, 2016: Continuation of Amelia’s 8 Year Odyssey for Social Security Disability Benefits out of the Portland, Maine Hearing Office
- October, 2016: Amelia’s 8 Year Odyssey for Social Security Disability Benefits out of the Portland, Maine Hearing Office
- October, 2016: Cathy’s Social Security Disability Claim out of the Boston, MA Hearing Office
- September, 2016: Yolanda’s Social Security Disability Claim out of the Manchester, NH Hearing Office
- September, 2016: Hannah’s Disability Appeal out of Malden, MA
- August, 2016: Nina’s Social Security Disability Claim out of Lowell, MA
- August, 2016: Ron’s Social Security Disability Claim out of Portsmouth, NH
- July, 2016 Zachary’s Social Security Disability Claim out of the Lowell, MA District Office
- July, 2016 Alan’s Social Security Disability Appeal out of Portland, ME
- June, 2016: Laurie’s Disability Claim involving Irritable Bowel Syndrome out of the Lawrence, MA ODAR
- June, 2016: Lisa’s Claim: An Example of an Initial Claim Gone Smoothly out of NH
- May, 2016: Carol’s Fully Favorable Decision at the Lawrence, MA ODAR
- May, 2016: Karen’s Struggles with the Consequences of Type II Diabetes Mellitus
- April, 2016: Gary’s Case: How Quickly an Experienced Attorney Can Turn Around a Claim
- April, 2016: Laura’s Case: An Example of the Will to Work out of Bangor, Maine
- March, 2016: Bonnie’s Case: A Successful Result at Hearing in Massachusetts for Fibromyalgia
- March, 2016: Alicia’s Claim: A Successful Result at Hearing at the Portland, Maine Office of Disability Adjudication and Review for Multiple Sclerosis
- February, 2016: Anthony’s case: A Request for Reconsideration in Massachusetts, while Difficult, Can Prove Successful
- February, 2016: Jason’s Case: How Smoothly a Social Security Disability Application Can Go With a Lawyer’s Assistance
- January, 2016: Jeff’s Case: The Unfortunate Realities of SSI and SSDI and Applying Too Early
- January, 2016: Jerry’s Social Security Disability Case, Showing the Will to Work
- December, 2015: Stanley’s Case: How An Understanding of Social Security’s Rules Can Result in a Fully Favorable Decision before Hearing
- December, 2015: Martha’s Case: Struggling to Get Better and to Return to Work is a Recipe for a Successful Social Security Disability Claim
- November, 2015: Jonathan’s Case: Guidance Through the Massachusetts Social Security Disability Application Process
- November, 2015: Sharon’s Case: How Your Social Security Lawyer Can Make a Big Difference from the Beginning
- October, 2015: Daniel’s Case: Overcoming a Problem with a Date Last Insured in Maine
- October, 2015: Sharon’s Case: Issues with Proving the Duration Requirement when Proceeding to Hearing at the Boston, MA Office of Disability Adjudication and Review
- September, 2015: Richard’s Case: The Difference a Massachusetts Social Security Lawyer Can Make at Hearing
- September, 2015: Stacey’s Case, the Duration Requirement and Obtaining a Fully Favorable Decision at the Boston, MA Office of Disability Adjudication and Review,
- August, 2015: Vanessa’s Case and how an Experienced MA Social Security Lawyer can make all the Difference at the Boston, MA Office of Disability Adjudication and Review
- August, 2015: Denise’s Case at the Portland, Maine Office of Disability Adjudication and Review
- July, 2015: Kenneth’s Fully Favorable Decision at the Boston, MA Office of Disability Adjudication and Review
- July, 2015: Linda’s Fully Favorable Decision prior to the Need for Hearing at the Boston, MA Office of Disability Adjudication and Review
- June, 2015, Part I: Ellen’s fully favorable On the Record Decision at the Boston, MA Office of Disability Adjudication and Review
- June, 2015, Part II: Rochelle’s fully favorable On the Record Decision at the Boston, MA Office of Disability Adjudication and Review
- May, 2015: Showing the Struggle to Maintain Treatment and Work
- May, 2015: Scott’s Case and the Importance of One’s Date Last Insured and How it Might be Extended
- April, 2015: New Hampshire success: Richard’s Case, Long-term Consequences of Cancer
- March, 2015 Lena’s Case: Long Term Disability Insurance and Social Security Disability Insurance Benefits and How it Works
- March, 2015: Social Security’s Consultative Examinations and how they may actually Help One’s Case
- February, 2015: Recipe for a Smooth and Easy Application Process
- January, 2015: A Tale of Two Claimants at Hearing
- December, 2014: Holiday Cheer for Two of my Claimants
- November, 2014: Two Examples of how a Skilled Lawyer can make a Difference
- October, 2014: Whether to Proceed Following a Partially Favorable Decision
- September, 2014: The Reconsideration Process While Difficult can prove Successful
- August, 2014: The Benefit of a Consistent Work History
- July, 2014: A Study in Contrast
- May and June, 2014: Success can come at any Stage: Initial Filing, Reconsideration, Prior to Hearing and at Hearing
- March and April, 2014: Avoiding the Need to Proceed to Hearing
- January and February, 2014: An Aggressive Attorney Making a Difference
- December, 2013: Whether You’re in your 20’s or in your 50’s
- October and November, 2013: Being at Hearing Doesn’t Necessarily Mean You’ll Need to Proceed to Hearing
- August and September, 2013: Different Routes to Success
- July, 2013: 3 Difficult, yet Successful, Hearings at the Boston Office of Disability Adjudication and Review
- June, 2013: Quick Assistance for Clients in Need
- April and May, 2013: A Recipe for Avoiding the Need to Proceed to Hearing
- March, 2013: Avoiding a Two Year Appeals Process
- February, 2013: The Difference a Skilled Attorney’s Advice can make for you.
- December, 2012 and January, 2013: Doing Our Homework
- October, 2012 and November, 2012: The Grid Rules and how they may help you
- September, 2012: Stories of 2 Very Deserving Claimants
- August, 2012: The Benefits of Obtaining a Lawyer Early
- July, 2012: The Social Security Disability Process is not an Easy One
- June, 2012: Success at the Portland, Maine Office of Disability Adjudication and Review
- May, 2012: The Social Security Disability Process can be very Unfair
- April, 2012: Many to Choose From
- March, 2012: An EMT and a School Teacher
- January, 2012: Heartwarming Stories
- December, 2011: One’s Doctors can make all the Difference
- October and November, 2011: One Illness or Injury Away from Dire Financial Circumstances
- September, 2011: Ensure Your Lawyer Knows What They’re Doing: the Consequences of Inept Counsel can be Devastating
- September, 2011: A Strong Work Ethic Creates Good Will
- August, 2011: Working Together as a Team
- August, 2011: A Strong Work History can Overcome an Otherwise Difficult Case
- July, 2011: A Story in Perseverance
- July, 2011: A Story in Perseverance - Part 2
- June, 2011: Coming Kicking and Screaming to Social Security: a Recipe for Success
- June, 2011: The Importance of Showing One’s Disabled Despite Prescribed Treatment
- May, 2011: Additional Story Shared at Clients’ Request
- May, 2011: Additional Story Shared at Clients’ Request - Part 2
- April, 2011: The Benefit of Having a Diligent Lawyer
- March, 2011: A Stellar Work History and the Will to Work: a Perfect Combination in NH
- February, 2011: How One’s Treating Psychiatrist Can Make or Break a Case
- January, 2011: Application of Social Security’s Grid Rules
- December, 2010: Reopening a Past Claim for New and Material Evidence in Portland, Maine
- November, 2010: The Social Security Grid Rule and their Effect at Age 50
- October, 2010: The Difference an Aggressive Social Security Lawyer can make
- September, 2010: The Importance of Remaining in Treatment
- August, 2010: Aggressive Treatment Creates a Win Win Situation
- July, 2010: Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue
- June, 2010: Spina Bifida, Depression and the Will to Work
- May, 2010: Showing the Struggle to Work in the State of Maine
- April, 2010: What Happens when Your Lawyer Does their Homework
- March, 2010: A Veteran’s Success Story by way of the Grid Rules
- February, 2010: A Combination of Conditions Making it Impossible to Work in Maine
- Boston, MA Office of Disability Adjudication and Review: Linda's Success Story
- Should You Apply for Social Security Disability or SSI?
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